How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical diagnostics, the question is not just about "How do you test for pancreatic cancer?" but "What's the most effective way to test for it?"  

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Introduction: How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed 

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical diagnostics, the question is not just about “How do you test for pancreatic cancer?” but “What’s the most effective way to test for it?”  

Given the critical nature of early detection, it’s paramount to understand the available testing options. This article aims to shed light on pancreatic cancer screening methods and their significance. 

Traditional Diagnostic Methods for Pancreatic Cancer 

Medical Imaging: Medical imaging techniques such as CT scans, MRI, and endoscopic ultrasounds are frequently used for pancreatic cancer diagnosis. These imaging tools provide pictures of the inside of the body and can reveal abnormal growths or tumors. 

Blood Tests: Some blood tests, like the CA 19-9 tumor marker test, can hint at the presence of pancreatic cancer. However, it’s worth noting that the test has not been developed for early detection and elevated levels of CA 19-9 can also be seen in conditions other than pancreatic cancer. 

Biopsy: A biopsy involves taking a small tissue sample from the pancreas to check for cancer cells. This is typically done using a fine needle. 

The Case for Targeted Testing of Pancreatic Cancer 

As with most cancers, early detection of pancreatic cancer significantly boosts the chances of successful treatment. The challenge with traditional methods is that they have not been specifically developed for early detection of pancreatic cancer and might not always catch it in its nascent stages. 

The unique advantage of new targeted tests like the Avantect test becomes evident here. Avantect is designed to identify pancreatic cancer in its initial stages. With a sensitivity of 68.3% for Stage I/II, it provides enhanced precision tailored for this specific cancer. 


While various methods offer insights, a targeted test specifically developed for early-stage pancreatic cancer detection stands out as the best choice. Being informed and choosing the right detection test can make a life-changing difference. Always consult a healthcare professional about the best screening options for your needs. 

Learn More About Avantect: 

In the pursuit of improving pancreatic cancer testing, advancements in epigenomic and genomic science have led to the development of the Avantect Pancreatic Cancer Test. By targeting epigenomic changes and incorporating a genome-wide sequencing-based approach, the Avantect test may offer earlier detection of pancreatic cancer. Validated in high-risk patient populations, it shows promising sensitivity and specificity. These advancements emphasize the importance of exploring innovative approaches to enhance pancreatic cancer diagnostics. 

Remember, if you have concerns about pancreatic cancer or any other health condition, consult with your healthcare provider for proper evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment options. 

Learn more about the Avantect Test, a blood test that detects epigenomic and genomic profiles of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) associated with pancreatic cancer.